Zewditu Building, Kolfe Keranyo Sub City, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Enhancing Healthcare Excellence: The Role of Innovative Medical Equipment in Ethiopia

At the intersection of technology and healthcare, Ethiopia stands at the threshold of transformative change. As the nation embraces advancement in medical technology, a new era of healthcare excellence dawns, promising to enrich the lives of citizens and pave the way for a healthier future. In this blog, we explore the pivotal role of innovative […]

ኢሜጂንግ ፈጠራ

የTopcon’s NW500 ሚድሪቲክ ያልሆነ ሬቲናል ካሜራ በጥሩ ብርሃን ሁኔታዎች ውስጥ ጥርት ያለ እና ወጥ የሆነ የምስል ጥራት ያቀርባል። በዚህ ከጊዜ ወደ ጊዜ እየጨመረ በሚሄድ እና ፈጣን የታካሚ ህዝብ ባለበት ዓለም ውስጥ፣ “ቶፕኮን” ቴክኖሎጂ – ምንም ያህል የላቀ ቢሆን – ፈጣን ፣ ዋጋ ያለው እና ቀልጣፋ መሆን እንዳለበት ይገነዘባል።   ቶፕኮን ሄልዝኬር ወደ ኢሜጂንግ ፖርትፎሊዮ በቅርብ […]

Exploring the Future of Sterilizers: Mr. Biruk’s Visit to Sakura in Japan 

At HBL Ethiopia, we have always been committed to improving the healthcare infrastructure in Ethiopia. Our focus on the medical field is driven by a deep understanding of the critical role that access to high-quality medical equipment plays in saving lives. In our relentless pursuit of excellence, we continue to explore and invest in products […]

Introducing Vinno Ultrasound: Affordable, high quality Medical Imaging

At HBL Medical Equipment Importer Pic, we are constantly searching for innovativemanufacturers that provide high-quality medical equipment at affordable prices.That is why we are excited to announce our partnership with Vinno Ultrasound, aleading manufacturer of ultrasound machines. With Vinno’s focus on continuousinnovation and commitment to accessible medical solutions, Vinno Ultrasound perfectly matches our HBL’s mission. Let’s […]

Introducing Arab Health 2023 to our clients in Ethiopia!

HBL medical equipment importer plc is excited to inform you that this year two of our staff will be attending and are eager to assist our customers with any questions you may have for various manufacturers and/or other stakeholders.


It is with immense joy that we are announcing the availability of Acime Frame products for the Ethiopian market through HBL Medical Equipment Importer plc. Acime Frame is an innovative French company, that creates outpatient solutions for various hospital departments: emergencies, outpatient medicine, surgery, dialysis, oncology, gynecology, etc. Acime’s products are designed to meet all […]

Office Refurbishing

Conference room after refurbishing

This June we took the bold and very important step of refurbishing our office space. Our previous space was a dark way to corporate and starting to get a little too crowded.  So we decided to go ahead and refurbished the office to make it more guest friendly, a bright, and more welcoming space. A […]

From our Technical adviser and head of International Relations

Mr. Gobena: Head of International affairs

We understand that you may be concerned about some of the stories you may have heard in the mainstream media, however, we would like to clear up some of the facts.  As you may know, the narrative that the mainstream media is spinning is that Addis Ababa is surrounded by rebel forces and that the […]

How HBL aims to transform the health system in Ethiopia

Technicians at work

Several improvements have been done and are being implemented in the health system of Ethiopia. Nonetheless looking at the contrast between the health system in Ethiopia and elsewhere makes us think that there is something that has gone completely wide of the mark. Anyone with a sense of human touch can sense and see how […]

Focusing on Zewditu

Ultra-Modern Ophthalmology Facility at Zewditu It started as corporate social responsibility with the vision to treat “100,000 patients and perform 10,000 sights restoring surgeries”. The Ultra-Modern Ophthalmology was constructed inside the Zewditu Memorial Hospital campus in Addis Ababa. The public-private partnership between the Ministry of Health of Ethiopia and the Overseas Infrastructure Alliance (OIA) was […]